Thursday, April 13, 2006

Who planned this???

Whilst the 15th May deadline looms - I have just discovered that a number of my staff are taking time off between 1 and 15 May!!! No - I did not give them holidays then - I may be daft but not quite that bad - yet!

I encourage my staff to continue professional development and pursue becoming a CPA. (I would have considered encouraging them to become a Chartered Accountant except for that demeaning, peurile and wholly unprfoessional advertisement they ran about CPA's. It is just "small man syndrome" - make yourselves bigger by putting others down. It was sad for the profession and the Institute.) Anyway, I digress. I also pay the CPA Program fees for my staff and give them a couple of study days to take just before each exam - in order to prepare.

CPA Australia (or Deakin University) has, once again, planned for exams in what is arguably the worst two weeks possible in the entire year - way to go!!!

Trying to beat the deadline is hard enough but to try to do it with only 65-75% of your staff is beginning to get ridiculous! NOT HAPPY JAN!!

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